This blog is complementary to the website that has been covering culture in Montreal since 2002. Founder and owner Jacqueline Mallette has been writing online since 1996, including as former Montreal Guide for
On January 3rd 2012, Snow and Ashes will be available on DVD.
Blaise Dumas, war correspondent covers an armed conflict in Eastern Europe. When he wakes from a temporary coma in his hometown of Quebec City, Blaise discovers that his long time collaborator and photographer has not come back with him. He then sets out to recapture the events that led to his friend’s disappearance and his own narrow escape from the war zone.
Snow & Ashes is a compelling human post-modern western tale that forces us to ponder and reflect on the unpredictable choices of life and on the strength of the media and the sacrifices journalists must make for their craft.
Both English and French versions are on the DVD with either subtitles when applicable (Russian).
''The tournament's starting!''
''You have lost, Sire!''
No, Not Once Upon A Time
After the tournament a merchant stops at the King's castle full of musical instruments for a cute young one who can't sing but loves music... The Smurfs and the Magic Flute is set in the Middle Ages.
''Have you seen it? It's only got 6 holes... And here it goes!'' says the King.
The merchant may have left the flute behind and the King may have thrown it in the fire... William will find it nevertheless and it'll cause trouble!
The Flute - It's Magical!
The flute only plays one tune but it has a magic trick associated with it: it makes people dance and dance and dance unwillingly and uncontrollingly when it is played. ''It's witchcraft!'' they say.
''Someone's stolen my flute''
William of course is having a wonderful time with his new toy and the feeling of power it gives him but he doesn't know that some villain has his eyes on this overwhelming flute with ideas of his own for what to do with such a fancy weapon. And poor William will be fooled. And so the inhabitants of the kingdom will be robbed of everything they own until the SMURFS come along and get their flute back.
This animated film is adapted from the comic book of the same name, from the Johan and Peewit collection. The joyful blue characters' fantasy-filled stories will enchant children and adults alike. A great fun-filled adventure for the whole family!
This DVD is available at or in stores, and it can be watched in either English or French - just choose the language from the disk menu.
On December 6th 1989, a hateful man called Marc Lépine barged into a Montreal University classroom and coldly killed women, ONLY WOMEN, because they were STUDYING ENGINEERING.
The 14th edition of the Montreal International Documentary Festival (RIDM) ended on Sunday, Nov. 20, after 12 days of screenings and a wide range of activities. The rich and varied program included 119 films from 32 countries, shown in 10 Montreal theatres to more than 30,000 festivalgoers. Audiences and some 65 guests from around the world saw 26 Canadian and Quebec films, 14 world and international premieres, and 25 North American premieres. Prizes totaling $20,000 in cash and $6,500 in services were awarded at the closing ceremony on Saturday, Nov. 19.
Highlights of the 14th RIDM include the national competition winners, Les États‐Unis d’Afrique by Yanick Létourneau, which won the Cinémathèque québécoise‐Critics’ Choice Award, and Catherine Hébert’s Carnets d’un grand détour, winner of the Grand Prize for Best Canadian Feature. Montreal audiences will have the chance to see both films again once they hit theatres this winter and spring. The Vanishing Spring Light by Xun Yu won the Best New Talent from Quebec/Canada Award, and went on to win the First Appearance Award at IDFA in Amsterdam.
For the first time, a jury of five female inmates from the Joliette Institution chose a film from among eight candidates. The Mexican film The Tiniest Place (El lugar más pequeño) by director Tatiana Huezo won the inaugural Women Inmates Award. RIDM also continued its other initiatives in the corrections system, with a screening of Bouton at Maison Tanguay on November 21, with the filmmaker, Res Balzli (Switzerland), in attendance.
Jørgen Leth Photo Jacqueline Mallette
Other successful initiatives included free matinees for students and seniors, which generally played to full houses. Three retrospectives and accompanying master classes, featuring filmmakers Jørgen Leth, Helena Třeštíková and Frederick Wiseman, also drew large audiences. Several films from the official selection attracted a great deal of attention from audiences and media, including Inside Lara Roxx by Mia Donovan, Mom et moi by Danic Champoux, L’or des autres (The Gold of Others) by Simon Plouffe, L’Empire du milieu du Sud (The Empire of Mid‐South) by Jacques Perrin and Éric Deroo, Position Among the Stars by Leonard Retel Helmrich, and Crazy Horse by Frederick Wiseman.
Doc Circuit Montreal, the Quebec documentary market, attracted a diverse group of more than 300 professionals. The event’s 7th edition had a number of highlights, including the opening roundtable about festivals, with Philippe Clivaz (Visions du Réel), Javier Packer‐Comyn (Cinéma du réel), Alex Rogalski (Hot Docs) and David Wilson (True/False Film Fest); a roundtable on American funding institutions, with Orlando Bagwell (Ford Foundation), Beth Janson (Tribeca Film Institute), Judith Helfand (Chicken & Egg Pictures) and Emily Verellen (The Fledgling Fund); the EyeSteelFilm Pitch and the eventclosing Cuban Hat Pitch.
In addition, there was also the eagerly anticipated Face‐to‐Face activity; and many presentations and networking activities. Doc Circuit Montreal also included four new initiatives designed to support emerging talents, promote inter‐generational dialogue and provide alternatives to conventional financing. Doc Circuit Montreal is proud to have emerged as an essential documentary industry event.
Starting Friday, Dec. 2, RIDM will offer additional screenings in Quebec City, followed by a new series of monthly “Docville” screenings launching in January. The last Thursday of every month at 7 p.m., at Excentris, viewers will be treated to the Montreal premiere of one of the year’s best films. The films will be announced three weeks before each screening. Movie cards are available for $50 for 8 films.
Quebec’s only film festival dedicated to documentaries, the Montreal International Documentary Festival presents the best reality‐based films, including the works of established directors and new talents.
The 15th edition of the RIDM will take place from November 7 to 18, 2012.
Quelle est la différence entre «bitcher» quelqu'un et dénoncer quelqu'un ? Qu'est-ce qui fait que l'être dit humain se met à critiquer dans le dos ou que le comportement d'un autre individu est passible de dénonciation ? Comment différencier entre se mettre à plusieurs pour parler dans le dos de quelqu'une par jalousie et s'insurger en masse contre un abuseur ? Le débat est lancé !
D'abord, il faut définir ce qu'est le «bitchage» et ce qui est une dénonciation.
Victime elle-même ayant perdu 3 emplois à cause de collègues féminines qui la jalousaient, Marthe Saint-Laurent a écrit trois livres sur le sujet. «Bitcher», c'est parler dans le dos d'une personne qui habituellement n'a rien fait de mal à l'être qui magouille sur son compte sauf qu'elle a quelque chose qui le ou la rend jaloux ou jalouse. Médiser comme disaient les curés ; ragoter comme on disait à propos des mémères qui se rassemblaient pour changer d'air et en profitaient pour parler contre la nouvelle venue, critiquer son style, sa coiffure, sa manière de s'habiller, ses rideaux achetés en ville, celle qui fait détourner le regard des hommes... dans le but de se sentir solidaires et de ne pas la laisser entrer dans le groupe bien fermé.
C'est donc pas d'hier, sauf qu'aujourd'hui, c'est autour de la machine à café que ça se passe. Et le problème c'est que ça peut trop facilement devenir du mobbing, c'est-à-dire du comportement imitant celui de la mafia, le mobbing étant un acte criminel qui consiste à se regrouper et à s'organiser pour se débarrasser de quelqu'un ou quelqu'une en lui causant des problèmes, en lui fournissant trop d'information de manière à l'ensevelir, en la privant de l'information dont elle a besoin pour mener à bien son travail, en l'intimidant, en l'ostracisant... bref en la rendant victime de harcèlement psychologique afin de la faire mettre à la porte ou de la voir démissionner pour enfin la remplacer par quelqu'un de la gang. Ce qui finit par devenir ce qu'on pourrait appeler du harcèlement économique puisque la victime perd ses revenus alors que le lèche-botte/lèche-gang verra son niveau de vie augmenté d'autant sinon plus car on aura peut-être pris soin de vanter sa valeur bien à l'avance ou en parallèle... On pourrait en parler pendant une demi-heure...
Les Indignés dénoncent le 1%, de même que les résultats de leurs décisions qui créent la pauvreté alors qu'une poignée d'individus se vautrent dans une richesse incommensurable. On peut tout autant dénoncer les abus de pouvoir et les abus de confiance qui donnent les mêmes résultats à moindre échelle.
Dénoncer est beaucoup plus difficile que «bitcher» car obligatoirement on s'attaque au régime établi, à quelqu'un qui est proche du pouvoir et qui l'utilise en sa faveur. Les prêtres qui abusaient des petits garçons, par exemple. Rien de plus difficile à dénoncer car les pairs chez les garçons ont peur alors ils se taisent tandis que les pairs chez les curés ou frères abuseurs ont peur aussi, voilà pourquoi ils prêchent, mentent, manipulent et quêtent... sans oublier qu'ils font tout pour casser en mille miettes celui qui pourrait les dénoncer.
Par exemple, un musicien qui viendrait pour discuter avec un leader spirituel - qu'il soit religieux ou communautaire - des abus dont il est témoin ou victime et qui se ferait embourber et enfirouaper par celui-ci dans le but de le transformer en pion servile en le cassant et en braquant radicalement le volant de sa vie alors que le jeune ou demandeur de direction n'aurait eu besoin tout au plus que d'une direction à prendre en douce pour éviter le malheur tout en continuant à offrir au monde entier des chansons qui font du bien par la beauté de ses paroles et la douceur de sa musique... Autre exemple : une femme est pionnière dans un domaine et dénonce qu'elle a failli perdre son entreprise en raison de malfrats qui ont cherché à s'en emparer malhonnêtement. Dénoncer de droit, c'est par exemple être une femme et subir du harcèlement sexuel en perdant son emploi pour avoir ou pour ne pas avoir couché avec un décideur de la société pour laquelle ils travaillent tous les deux ; Être une femme et se faire battre, et en parler, c'est dénoncer ; être un jeune victime de taxage, et en parler, c'est dénoncer (mais être un jeune qui harcèle et qui braille en se faisant passer pour la victime, c'est inqualifiable ; être en position de force et se servir des autres tout en les qualifiant de chercheurs d'or quand on cherche à les remplacer, c'est... retour au début).
Voilà, je vous mets ma plus récente entrevue avec Marthe Saint-Laurent dans laquelle je la remercie de m'avoir fait comprendre que je n'étais pas la seule à être harcelée psychologiquement et é vous mets aussi un extrait de la Conférence sur l'intimidation, le harcèlement psychologique et la violence faite aux femmes, qui s'est tenue dans le cadre du Salon du Livre de Montréal 2011, extrait dans lequel Blandine Soulmana encourage à parler, parler, parler - que l'on soit une femme, un homme ou un(E) jeune - pour se sortir d'une situation écrasante, «pour enfin vivre», pour enfin respirer, pour enfin se respecter... et ce, même si ceux qui vous réclament le respect sont les plus délinquants à rendre le respect aux autres, même si ceux qui abusent de leur pouvoir ou de leur situation de décideur économique ou public se foutent complètement de votre gueule et vous le font sentir amèrement, publiquement, bêtement... ou se défendent « comme un diable dans l'eau bénite ».
Vous cherchez des sujets de conversation autres que placoter contre votre voisin ou voisine de bureau ? Parler du plus récent livre que vous avez lu, d'une vidéo d'animation super drôle que vous avez vue sur YouTube ou d'un excellent guitariste qui était en spectacle à Montréal samedi dernier. Sinon, on pourrait croire que vous pourriez avoir un intérêt à faire exterminer cette fille à l'idée géniale qui vous trotte dans la tête, à tel point que vous voudriez bien l'exploiter pour vous-même avec l'aide de vos potes... Non ? Alors merci de ne pas chercher à m'expulser ou à me voler mon nom de domaine, merci de penser comme moi qu'il y a de la place pour tout le monde et que toutes les religions/communautés sont sûrement représentées dans le 1% et merci d'affirmer haut et fort que personne n'a le droit de se croire tout permis et d'agir comme si ; merci d'affirmer haut et fort que personne n'a le droit de faire vivre des atrocités épouvantables à quelqu'un d'autre sur qui il détient un ascendant ou même le privilège de conseiller ou de suggérer et qui pourrait en venir à dominer sans que ça paraisse.
Voilà, c'était ma petite réflexion critique du lundi matin... Je ne cherche à nuire à personne, je cherche aider à sortir du pétrin des victimes que des abuseurs auraient mis hors d'état de leur nuire...
Entrevue avec Marthe Saint-Laurent au Salon du Livre de Montréal 2011
Capsule Blandine Soulmana
Ressources pour les jeunes et les femmes victimes de violence
His guitar playing has been compared to that of Hendrix ; his voice resembles Cat Stevens'. Reinvited by Nuits d'Afrique, people kept arriving throughout his concert to appreciate this one-of-a-kind singer and musician: BOMBINO!
Starting off the evening SYNCOP is Quebec's new shall we say Arabica-Sugar Shack mixture. One of a kind! Only in Montréal!
The Château Ramezay – Historic Site and Museum of Montréal invites you to take the pulse of various aspects of 17th and 18th century health in its brand new exhibition In the Time of Smallpox, from November 16, 2011 to November 11, 2012.
Epidemics regularly threatened the colony of New France. Smallpox was the most common and deadliest infectious disease.Several treatment options were available to the population during epidemics or for various illnesses. To learn more, take a number! You will be paired up with a historical figure, like Governor de Ramezay, whose health woes you will assess as you move through the exhibition.
You be the doctor! Make a diagnosis based on the symptoms of your historical figure and prescribe the appropriate treatment… according to the theory of humours. Can you tell the difference between an imbalance in phlegm, blood, black bile or yellow bile?
Now walk in the shoes of a surgeon. A general practitioner at the time, he healed wounds, amputated limbs and performed bloodletting. Which instrument will you choose if your historical figure has a broken arm or tooth?
Get out your jars and become an apothecary! The precursor to pharmacies, apothecary shops supplied medicines to hospitals, surgeons and physicians. Ginseng, ipecacuanha, dragon’s blood… Which plant will heal your historical figure’s ailment?
Beyond official channels, patients had recourse to various alternative therapies, depending on their beliefs and financial means. Best to keep one’s options open! Why not try a bonesetter, a healer, a homemade remedy, a pilgrimage or advice from the priest? Who will your historical figure turn to for help?
In the Time of Smallpox brings together 250 objects from various museums, including from the Stewart Museum collections. Thanks to a special collaboration with the Ville de Montréal and the Department of Anthropology of Université de Montréal, the public will get a rare glimpse of bones from the cemetery of the first Notre-Dame church. These relics open a window onto the lives of the first Montrealers and their ailments as well as the treatments and surgical procedures of the period.
Here’s to your health!
Source : Château Ramezay
Photos : Jacqueline Mallette,
Winner of 2 GEMINI AWARDS (2010) this extreme TV series was broadcast on Discovery Channel Canada.
It tells the story of 2 companies wanting to find gas in the Arctic for a full decade.
LICENCE TO DRILL is the result of 200 days of filming in extreme nordic conditions and 500 hours of original material.
The DVD can be viewed either in English or French, both are available individually on the disks. It features extraordinary men and women at work on machine-tools that can drill deep into frozen land and ice notwithstanding extremely chilly winds and storms under a sun that only shines a few hours per day.
LICENCE TO DRILL (SEASON 1) can be purchased at or at a DVD store.
''My parents came here in the late 1970's.''
That's when it all started for young bee-keeper and queen producer and breeder Anicet Desrochers who can't help but notice his losses as well as dead bees in just about each brood he and other bee-keepers alike lift out of the beehives. This is due to the new types of pesticides which are much more toxic than those previously spread on close-by farms.
Produced by Les Films du 3 mars and Esperamos Films the movie which can be viewed on the DVD with English subtitles provides information of bee activities which have a major impact of human living, takes us to bee-keepers installations in various regions of Quebec, beautiful wild flower fields, as well as the APImondia international conferences in France where individual experts' interviews.
This film now on DVD has already received recognition: GÉMEAUX for best documentary - nature & sciences, ÉCO CAMÉRA Award at last year's RIDM, a mention at Toronto's Planet in focus Festival. It is scheduled in Paris at Festival International du Film d’Environnement from Feb 7 to 14, 2012.
Feeling like a rock star after the warm public reception he received in Montreal on Saturday at CINEMANIA Festival, movie director Cedric Klapisch explained that he was forever hearing news about plant closures when he decided to write a film about high finance and its money games.
''I'm bad'' says the London trader about to accept a job in his home country of France which could bring him back in 6 months as President of the agency.
The movie depicts high finance from an outsider's perspective, that of a jobless mother of three who moved to Paris and find work as cleaning lady. She will take on more and more responsibility in his extremely luxurious apartment where he will receive his acquaintances from his social financial status, all nasty heterosexual men, all but his ex-girlfriend who works for a competitor across the street in London and goes out with one of them.
Cedric Klapisch indicated on stage that he has cleared off the script any such individuals who could be badly perceived by the public. Like Russan escorts on drugs, for example.
This movie was written before the current Occupy-Wall-Street Global Movement and seems to be more than ruling.
My Piece of the Pie will be reaching cinemas across Quebec on Friday November 11.
Currently in Montreal from France French female movie director MAIWENN meets the public at Cinema Imperial during the CINEMANIA live Q&A after a showing of her most recent movie POLISS about child abuse police work.
Movies at CINEMANIA are all from francophone countries and subtitled in English.
POLISS (as though written by a child) is a very moving film that shows a team of police officers in their daily work as they are confronted with the varieties of violence acts that children have to face and live through in 2011 Paris.
Author: Nassira Belloula-Azouz
Translation: Dr Peter Thompson
Publisher: Rafar
This article was written in Montreal on June 25, 2011
Book Content Keywords: Early work poetry with lots of contemporary sensibility and authenticity
Arab, Feminine and Feminist, Love, War and Absence...
THE GATES OF THE SUN (Les portes du soleil) is an early work by a now well-recognized Algerian author and journalist who was barely 20 years of age when first published.
Both feminine and feminist while truly expressing sincerity, authenticity, truth, love, and anguish, Nassira Belloula wrote most of the poems in this book when in high school. Both strong and beautiful her young age poetry was translated into both English and Spanish.
GATES OF THE SUN express hope while in disarray, youth in a country at war, women facing dress codes, love, sadness.
GATES OF THE SUN also breathe of hope for love at the gates of a beautifully chosen peaceful and loving life for both men and women.
This book is a must-read, 90 pages of peace in the heart. Since such peace is not in the world around us. Nassira Belloula dedicates her thoughts to Palestine, Lebanon, Algeria, to a lover and musician checking his empty pockets, to girls being given in marriage and feeling like they've been raped while the whole family is celebrating this precise fact, to lovers having been separated by the madness of few or many...
NASSIRA BELLOULA-AZOUZ is a prominent Arab writer born in 1961 in Algeria, where she worled as a journalist. A writer of both poetry and novels, she expresses not only the Arab situation, but the conditions for women in modern Algeria. One year ago, she immigrated to Montreal, Quebec, Canada where she participates in a weekly radio show on French CBC.
PETER THOMPSON teaches modern languages and literature at Roger Williams University (USA).
Expressing love, hate, war, childhood, women, men, newspapers, relationships, immigration...
In her poem "A Day Just For Us", Nassira Belloula wishes for a renewed and better world:
So you can wash the rage / from all men, / and lead women to drink hope
In her poem "A Child At Sabra", Belloula could be talking about immigrants:
My mother wanted to offer me
Hope for my eighth birthday
..... Don't be afraid;
You've probably seen me
on your screens,
in the columns of your papers,
you have spoken of me
and my family
In her poem "Suspended in Absence", Belloula expresses love and sadness from hurt caused by separation:
How pale, your face, / exhausted from long wandering / in other faces, / looking for mine!
Nassira Belloula will be signing books at the upcoming Montreal Book Fair where author round table discussions and informal meetings will be possible. Check out Activities at the Book Fair.
This is a story about a young woman who thinks she is the reincarnation of Marilyn Monroe. Sadly, she is found dead in a no-man's-land between France and Switzerland. And this author happens to be in her village to pick up his inheritance which is going to be deceiving. But his next novel won't be!
POUPOUPIDOU the movie is in French, with English subtitles under Options on the DVD.